About IDI, an Intuitive Behavioral Assessment Tool

The Interpersonal Dynamics Inventory

The Interpersonal Dynamics Inventory (IDI) is a multi-rater behavioral assessment tool that brings multiple perceptions together to measure aspects of behavior rather than intent. IDI's results teach us how our behavior impacts others, improve our ability to work with and influence others, and help us understand what motivates our own and others' interpersonal behavior.

Perfect for activities like corporate team building, IDI's results expand our capability to achieve new leadership techniques and communicate effectively with those around us, both inside the workplace and out.

Integrating IDI into your consulting or organizational development

Developing IDI For Today's Workplaces

The Interpersonal Dynamics Inventory (IDI) was initially developed in the United States by Dr. Richard E. Zackrison, Ph. D. in 1977. His decades-long work resulted in the instrument as it exists today, which emphasizes the interpersonal tendencies of human nature while remaining sensitive to the varying behavioral norms of cultures around the world. The tool is currently managed and distributed by Effectiveness Consultants, a Santa Barbara, Ca. based consulting firm owned by Zackrison's son, Dr. Eric Zackrison.

Unlike industry tools like the Meyers-Briggs, the Interpersonal Dynamics Inventory draws on both self-perception and input from significant others in the workplace, for instance, co-workers, supervisors, and subordinates. The resulting feedback allows an individual to understand their social style and own managerial strengths and weaknesses.

Throughout the years, the IDI tool has been consistently tested and adjusted to ensure its foundational approach can translate to modern users and practice. The IDI tool is now fully operational in a digital format while continuing to employ the groundbreaking outcomes of decades of behavioral-based research.

What IDI Measures


Measures how often an individual is perceived as attempting to influence, control, or lead situations or people and is measured on a scale from seldom to often


Measures how often a person is perceived as attempting to build, maintain, or manage relationships and is also measured on a scale from seldom to often


The degree to which a person is seen as adjusting behavior to accommodate the needs of other people or the situation

The Categories IDI Measures

Click each color segment to learn more about the behavioral assessment categories IDI measures.


(Often Affiliative/Seldom Directive) Relators are those among us who are driven by connecting to others and making sure people are participating, supported and satisfied. Relators are often perceived to be warm and friendly with an easy-going, cooperative manner and a strong need for close personal relationships with other people.


(Often Affiliative/Often Directive) Motivators are those among us who encourage excitement and are able to engage others to follow their visions of the future. Motivators are perceived to be enthusiastic, exciting and absorbing, and enjoy interacting with other people, particularly if they are given the chance to be the center of attention.


(Seldom Affiliative/Often Directive) Producers are the task masters that move others towards a goal and make sure the path is clear. Producers are perceived to be independent, enterprising, ambitious and competitive. Producers put great emphasis on performance, particularly their own.


(Seldom Affiliative/Seldom Directive) Processors are those who make sure everything is understood and are beneficial in making sure everything has been taken into account before moving forward. Processors are perceived to be logical, calm and objective with a strong need for structure, security and order.

Get started with IDI today.

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